Mauá's Childhood: The Shopboy Who Became a Wealthy Entrepreneur

Get to know the childhood of Mauá

Baron of Mauá, whose real name was Irineu Evangelista de Sousa, was a prominent figure in 19th-century Brazilian history. He played a significant role in the economic and industrial development of the country. The childhood of Irineu Evangelista de Sousa, better known as Baron of Mauá, is a fascinating and

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The main accents of Brazil

The main accents of Brazil

Brazil is a diverse country, not only in terms of geography and culture but also in its language. Brazilians have a wide variety of regional accents, which are shaped by different influences, such as cultural heritage, geography, and the history of each region. This linguistic diversity is a prominent feature

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The National Monument to the Immigrant

The National Monument to the Immigrant

The National Monument to the Immigrant, inaugurated by President Getúlio Vargas in 1954 in Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul. Its cornerstone was laid in 1950 by President Eurico Gaspar Dutra. The construction was initiated by a community commission, which held a competition to determine the best project dedicated

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Goiânia's radioactive accident with Cesium-137

Today in Brazil: Goiânia’s radioactive accident with Cesium-137

On September 13, 1987, the radiological accident in Goiânia began, known as the Cesium-137 accident, a serious episode of radioactivity contamination in Brazil. The accident started when scrap metal collectors discovered a radiotherapy device containing Cesium-137, which they mistakenly believed to be scrap.

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Portugal's military resistance against Brazilian independence

Brazil’s independence and portuguese resistance

The news of Brazil’s independence from Portugal was not celebrated in all provinces. After the proclamation, Emperor Dom Pedro I had a difficult time quelling the various revolts that occurred during the independence process. At the moment when he declared Brazil’s independence, the governments and troops of some provinces were

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Learn the best curiosities about Cachaça

The best curiosities about Cachaça

Cachaça is a Brazilian distilled alcoholic beverage made from the fermentation and distillation of sugarcane juice. It is one of the most traditional drinks in Brazil and is often compared to sugarcane brandy or rum, although it has distinct characteristics.

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Statue of King Dom João VI in Praça XV, Rio de Janeiro

Statue of King Dom João VI in Praça XV, Rio de Janeiro

The equestrian statue of King Dom João VI in Praça XV in the city of Rio de Janeiro was offered in 1965, during the IV Centenary of the Founding of the City of Rio de Janeiro, by the Portuguese government as a tribute to the King of Portugal, who lived

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The painting "Independence or Death" by Pedro Américo

Today in Brazil: Independence of Brazil

On September 7, 1822, on the banks of the Ipiranga River in São Paulo, an important chapter in the history of Brazil was written with the “Cry of Ipiranga.” It was at this moment that Dom Pedro I proclaimed the political independence of Brazil from Portugal, using the memorable words

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The best sweets in Brazil

The best sweets in Brazil

Brazil is a country rich in culinary traditions, and its confectionery is no different. With a diverse cultural heritage that includes indigenous, African, European, and Asian influences, the country offers a wide variety of traditional sweets that delight taste buds from all corners of the world.

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Interview: Get to Know the History of "Miniaturas do JP"

Interview: Get to Know the History of “Miniaturas do JP”

Today is the day for you to get to know the story of the 100% national miniature trademark, the Miniaturas do JP. João Pedro, the man behind all the genius of the miniatures, he has a degree in History and a passion for Art. With this combination, he started this

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The First Railroad in Brazil

The First Railroad in Brazil

The Mauá Railroad, officially known as the Imperial Steam Navigation and Petrópolis Railroad Company, was the first railway established in Brazil and the third in South America. It was built in 1854 by Irineu Evangelista de Sousa, Baron of Mauá. Initially, it connected the Port of Mauá to Fragoso, in

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Is Rio de Janeiro the capital of Brazil?

Is Rio de Janeiro the capital of Brazil?

Rio de Janeiro, despite being known for its culture, landscapes, and rich history, is no longer the capital of Brazil. The change in capital reflects the evolution of the Brazilian nation throughout its history.

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The paraguayan cannon "El Cristiano"

The paraguayan cannon “El Cristiano”

The War of Paraguay, which took place between 1864 and 1870, was one of the most brutal wars in the history of South America. It involved the Triple Alliance, composed of Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay, against Paraguay. Brazil entered the war due to the seizure of the ship Marquês de

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Today in Brazil: Embraer was founded

Today in Brazil: Embraer was founded

On August 19, 1969, the establishment of Embraer (Brazilian Aeronautics Company) took place. The organization emerged as part of a Brazilian government initiative within a pivotal plan to establish the national aeronautics industry. Initially, it was structured as a mixed-economy entity under the Ministry of Aeronautics.

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