Tag: independence of brazil

Independence: The Untold Story | Review

Independence: The Untold Story: The Building of Brazil: 1500-1825 | Review

Independence: The Untold Story: The Building of Brazil: 1500-1825 is a book written by Paulo Rezzutti, which delves into the backstage and lesser-known figures involved in the process of Brazilian independence. The book highlights characters who played crucial roles in independence, such as José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva, Dom

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Women in the Brazilian Independence

Women in the Brazilian Independence

The Independence of Brazil, one of the most significant chapters in the country’s history, was a multifaceted process that involved a variety of characters, events, and circumstances. While many iconic names, like Dom Pedro I and José Bonifácio, played a crucial role in this endeavor, the contribution of women in

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Portugal's military resistance against Brazilian independence

Brazil’s independence and portuguese resistance

The news of Brazil’s independence from Portugal was not celebrated in all provinces. After the proclamation, Emperor Dom Pedro I had a difficult time quelling the various revolts that occurred during the independence process. At the moment when he declared Brazil’s independence, the governments and troops of some provinces were

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The painting "Independence or Death" by Pedro Américo

Today in Brazil: Independence of Brazil

On September 7, 1822, on the banks of the Ipiranga River in São Paulo, an important chapter in the history of Brazil was written with the “Cry of Ipiranga.” It was at this moment that Dom Pedro I proclaimed the political independence of Brazil from Portugal, using the memorable words

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The painting "Independence or Death" by Pedro Américo

The painting “Independence or Death” by Pedro Américo

In 1886, during the final years of the Monarchy, the painter from Paraíba, Pedro Américo, was commissioned by the imperial government to create a painting depicting the events that led to the foundation of the Brazilian Empire by Emperor Dom Pedro I in 1822.

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Discover how the independence of Brazil happened

Discover how the independence of Brazil happened

The Independence of Brazil, which occurred on September 7, 1822, represents a fundamental moment in the country’s history. On that day, Prince Regent Dom Pedro I proclaimed Brazil as an independent nation from Portugal, marking the end of over three centuries of colonial rule and the beginning of a new

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