Tag: empire of brazil

The meeting between Dom Pedro II and the writer Victor Hugo

The meeting between Dom Pedro II and the writer Victor Hugo

Since his first trip to Europe, Emperor Dom Pedro II had wanted to meet the writer and staunch republican Victor Hugo, but the great writer’s isolation and the emperor’s previous travel schedule did not cooperate. On his new visit to Europe, with the famous writer once again established in Paris,

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Dom Pedro I's Epilepsy

Dom Pedro I’s Epilepsy

Many people are unaware, but Dom Pedro I suffered from epilepsy – a condition that temporarily alters brain function, reversible, not caused by fever, drugs, or metabolic disorders. During the marriage process of the emperor with Dona Leopoldina, even the Austrians knew about Dom Pedro’s epilepsy, a condition that he,

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Mauá's Childhood: The Shopboy Who Became a Wealthy Entrepreneur

Get to know the childhood of Mauá

Baron of Mauá, whose real name was Irineu Evangelista de Sousa, was a prominent figure in 19th-century Brazilian history. He played a significant role in the economic and industrial development of the country. The childhood of Irineu Evangelista de Sousa, better known as Baron of Mauá, is a fascinating and

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The painting "Independence or Death" by Pedro Américo

Today in Brazil: Independence of Brazil

On September 7, 1822, on the banks of the Ipiranga River in São Paulo, an important chapter in the history of Brazil was written with the “Cry of Ipiranga.” It was at this moment that Dom Pedro I proclaimed the political independence of Brazil from Portugal, using the memorable words

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The painting "Independence or Death" by Pedro Américo

The painting “Independence or Death” by Pedro Américo

In 1886, during the final years of the Monarchy, the painter from Paraíba, Pedro Américo, was commissioned by the imperial government to create a painting depicting the events that led to the foundation of the Brazilian Empire by Emperor Dom Pedro I in 1822.

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Dom Pedro I, the composing emperor

Dom Pedro I, the composing emperor

The First Emperor of Brazil, Dom Pedro I, had a highly refined musical education, as was customary among the Bragança family. Among his teachers were Marcos Portugal and Sigismund Neukomm. He played the bugle, flute, violin, bassoon, trombone, and harpsichord.

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The assassination attempt on Emperor Dom Pedro II

The near death of Dom Pedro II in 1889

On July 15, 1889 Dom Pedro II suffered an assassination attempt in Rio de Janeiro. Dom Pedro II, accompanied by his wife, daughter, and eldest grandson, went to the Sant’Anna Theater, now known as the Carlos Gomes Theater, in Rio de Janeiro. At the end of the performance, well past

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Discover all the currencies that Brazil has ever had 6

Discover all the currencies that Brazil has ever had

Discover all the currencies that Brazil has ever had! Banknotes and coins are an integral part of our daily lives, and often we use them without paying attention to their history or unique features. In Brazil, over the years, several banknotes and coins have been minted, each with its own

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The final moments of Emperor Dom Pedro II

The final moments of Emperor Dom Pedro II

On November 24, 1891, Pedro II made an entry in his diary, stating: “Deodoro resigned.”, referring to the news of the resignation of the man who helped orchestrate the coup for the republic in Brazil. After this note, Pedro II embarked on a lengthy carriage ride along the Seine River,

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