Category: Curiosities

What is the currency used in Brazil?

What is the currency used in Brazil?

The Real is the currency of Brazil and is represented by the symbol “R$” and the international code “BRL.” The currency is divided into cents, and both notes and coins come in various denominations. The most common notes include R$ 2, R$ 5, R$ 10, R$ 20, R$ 50, R$

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Why Brazil is so good at football?

Why Brazil is so good at football?

Football is more than just a sport in Brazil – it’s a passion deeply rooted in the culture and hearts of millions of Brazilians. Brazil’s history on the football scene is marked by successes, trophies, and legendary talents that have captivated the world. But what makes Brazil so good at

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Why is Brazil so big?

Why is Brazil so big?

The territory of Brazil is vast and diverse, holding a prominent position on the world stage. This article explores the main reasons that contributed to Brazil’s extensive territorial expanse throughout its history. From colonization by the Portuguese to treaties and territorial disputes, various events have shaped the Brazilian territory, making

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The 10 best places to visit in Southeast Brazil

The 10 best places to visit in Southeast Brazil

The Southeast of Brazil is a region full of natural wonders, vibrant culture, and rich history. With breathtaking landscapes, bustling cities, and paradisiacal beaches, the Southeast offers a variety of must-visit destinations for all tastes.

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The day Oppenheimer visited Brazil

The day Oppenheimer visited Brazil

Did you know that Oppenheimer has visited Brazil? Julius Robert Oppenheimer was an American theoretical physicist. He was the director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory during World War II and is often credited as the “father of the atomic bomb” for his role in the Manhattan Project, the research

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The 10 best places to visit in Rio de Janeiro

The 10 best places to visit in Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro, affectionately known as the “Wonderful City,” is one of Brazil’s most iconic and fascinating destinations. Located in the southeast region of the country, the city is famous for its stunning beaches, breathtaking natural landscapes, and a vibrant mix of cultures that make it truly unique.

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The best quotes from Ayrton Senna

The best quotes from Ayrton Senna

Ayrton Senna (1960-1994) was one of the most iconic and talented Formula 1 drivers in the history of motorsport. Born in São Paulo, Brazil, on March 21, 1960, Ayrton Senna began his career in karting at the age of 13 and quickly showcased his incredible talent behind the wheel. With

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Positivism and the creation of the Brazilian Flag

The origin of the Brazilian flag

Positivism was a philosophical and social movement that exerted significant influence on various aspects of Brazil’s history, including the creation of its national flag. This ideology emerged in the 19th century, amidst significant social and political changes, and had the French thinker Auguste Comte as one of its main proponents.

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The 10 best places to visit in Southern Brazil

The 10 best places to visit in Southern Brazil

Southern Brazil is a charming and diverse region comprising the states of Paraná, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul. With a geography marked by breathtaking landscapes, ranging from paradisiacal beaches to imposing mountains, the region is a true natural treasure. The region has a well-developed tourist infrastructure, with options

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The 10 best places to visit in Northeast Brazil

The 10 best places to visit in Northeast Brazil

Northeast Brazil is a region filled with natural beauty, rich culture, and fascinating history. With its paradisiacal beaches, lush landscapes, and charming historic cities, the Northeast is a must-visit destination for travel enthusiasts. Salvador The capital of Bahia is known for its vibrant atmosphere and rich Afro-Brazilian heritage. The Pelourinho,

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The Empress Teresa Cristina and the origin of the Coxinha

The Empress Teresa Cristina and the origin of the Coxinha

Emperor Dom Pedro II and Empress Dona Teresa Cristina were simple individuals, averse to any kind of luxury, and palace meals were characterized by frugality. The Emperor’s favorite dish, always present in every meal, was soups, especially a succulent chicken broth. It seems that this preference was some kind of

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The best quotes from Joaquim Nabuco

The best quotes from Joaquim Nabuco

Joaquim Aurélio Barreto Nabuco de Araújo was born on August 19, 1849, in Recife, Brazil. He was an important Brazilian politician, diplomat, writer, and abolitionist. From a young age, Nabuco showed interest and skill in literature and social issues. Nabuco was educated at home by private tutors and later studied

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The places where there is snow in Brazil

Discover the places where there is snow in Brazil

Many believe that there is no snow in Brazil, but this is not true. Discover the places where there is snow in Brazil! Brazil is a renowned tropical nation known for its sunny beaches, colorful popular festivals, and lush tropical forests. However, many people wonder if snowfall occurs in Brazil.

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What is Carnival like in Brazil?

What is Carnival like in Brazil?

Carnival is a popular and cultural festival that has ancient origins and is associated with various traditions around the world. Although it is difficult to determine the exact origin of Carnival, it is believed to have roots in pagan celebrations that took place in ancient Rome and Greece.

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How many states are there in Brazil today?

How many states are there in Brazil today?

Brazil, a vast and diverse country, is known for its territorial expanse and rich cultural variety. One of the administrative divisions of the country is the states, which play a crucial role in regional governance. Currently, Brazil is composed of 26 states and the Federal District, totaling 27 federative units.

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