Category: Colonial

Brazilian National Library in Rio de Janeiro

Brazilian National Library in Rio de Janeiro

The Brazilian National Library, located in Rio de Janeiro, is one of the largest libraries in the world, housing nine million items. Founded by Dom João VI in 1810, its journey began in an unlikely fashion, initially housed in facilities like the Third Order Hospital. The impressive building, erected during

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The history of the portuguese crown commissioned in Rio de Janeiro

The history of the portuguese crown commissioned in Rio de Janeiro

The Portuguese court was already in Rio de Janeiro, having fled from the Napoleonic troops, with Queen Maria passing away on March 20, 1816, and the Prince Regent, João VI, becoming the king. Unlike previous kings, who had been crowned shortly after the death of their predecessor, João VI chose

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Portugal's military resistance against Brazilian independence

Brazil’s independence and portuguese resistance

The news of Brazil’s independence from Portugal was not celebrated in all provinces. After the proclamation, Emperor Dom Pedro I had a difficult time quelling the various revolts that occurred during the independence process. At the moment when he declared Brazil’s independence, the governments and troops of some provinces were

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Learn the best curiosities about Cachaça

The best curiosities about Cachaça

Cachaça is a Brazilian distilled alcoholic beverage made from the fermentation and distillation of sugarcane juice. It is one of the most traditional drinks in Brazil and is often compared to sugarcane brandy or rum, although it has distinct characteristics.

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Statue of King Dom João VI in Praça XV, Rio de Janeiro

Statue of King Dom João VI in Praça XV, Rio de Janeiro

The equestrian statue of King Dom João VI in Praça XV in the city of Rio de Janeiro was offered in 1965, during the IV Centenary of the Founding of the City of Rio de Janeiro, by the Portuguese government as a tribute to the King of Portugal, who lived

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The Evolution of the Cityscape: From Slaughterhouse to Cultural Heritage

The Evolution of the Cityscape: From Slaughterhouse to Cultural Heritage

Throughout history, cities have undergone transformational changes, shedding old practices and embracing new ones. The city of Rio de Janeiro, with its rich tapestry of memories, is no exception to this phenomenon. Within its boundaries lie numerous examples of places and practices that have faded into the past, and among

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Discover how the independence of Brazil happened

Discover how the independence of Brazil happened

The Independence of Brazil, which occurred on September 7, 1822, represents a fundamental moment in the country’s history. On that day, Prince Regent Dom Pedro I proclaimed Brazil as an independent nation from Portugal, marking the end of over three centuries of colonial rule and the beginning of a new

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What is Carnival like in Brazil?

What is Carnival like in Brazil?

Carnival is a popular and cultural festival that has ancient origins and is associated with various traditions around the world. Although it is difficult to determine the exact origin of Carnival, it is believed to have roots in pagan celebrations that took place in ancient Rome and Greece.

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Review: The Emperor's Beards, by Spacca and Lilia Schwarcz

Review: The Emperor’s Beards, by Spacca and Lilia Schwarcz

The Emperor’s Beards: D. Pedro II, The Story of a Monarch in Comics is an adaptation of Lilia Schwarcz’s book, simply titled The Emperor’s Beards. The comic book version was released on January 27, 2014, with the return of Lilia and the assistance of illustrator Spacca. Now, Spacca guides the

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Discover the official language of Brazil

Discover the official language of Brazil

Discover the official language of Brazil! In Brazil, the official and spoken language is Portuguese. The reason Portuguese is the predominant language in the country dates back to the period of colonization by the Portuguese in the 16th century. The linguistic history of Brazil is closely linked to the arrival

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Discover all the currencies that Brazil has ever had 6

Discover all the currencies that Brazil has ever had

Discover all the currencies that Brazil has ever had! Banknotes and coins are an integral part of our daily lives, and often we use them without paying attention to their history or unique features. In Brazil, over the years, several banknotes and coins have been minted, each with its own

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