Tag: José Bonifácio

Independence: The Untold Story | Review

Independence: The Untold Story: The Building of Brazil: 1500-1825 | Review

Independence: The Untold Story: The Building of Brazil: 1500-1825 is a book written by Paulo Rezzutti, which delves into the backstage and lesser-known figures involved in the process of Brazilian independence. The book highlights characters who played crucial roles in independence, such as José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva, Dom

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Discover how the independence of Brazil happened

Discover how the independence of Brazil happened

The Independence of Brazil, which occurred on September 7, 1822, represents a fundamental moment in the country’s history. On that day, Prince Regent Dom Pedro I proclaimed Brazil as an independent nation from Portugal, marking the end of over three centuries of colonial rule and the beginning of a new

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