Tag: imperial

The best quotes from Machado de Assis

The best quotes from Machado de Assis

Machado de Assis was one of the most renowned and influential Brazilian writers. Born on June 21, 1839, in Rio de Janeiro, he is considered one of the greatest masters of Portuguese-language literature. His works span various genres, including novels, short stories, poems, chronicles, and plays. Throughout his life, Machado

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Why is the 1824 Constitution considered liberal?

Why is the 1824 Constitution considered liberal?

Following Brazil’s declaration of independence, the country was focused on creating its first constitution. In 1823, one year after the separation from the Kingdom of Portugal, a constituent assembly was formed, but it had a highly interventionist nature and envisaged significant state involvement, contrary to the ideals of Dom Pedro

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The final moments of Emperor Dom Pedro II

The final moments of Emperor Dom Pedro II

On November 24, 1891, Pedro II made an entry in his diary, stating: “Deodoro resigned.”, referring to the news of the resignation of the man who helped orchestrate the coup for the republic in Brazil. After this note, Pedro II embarked on a lengthy carriage ride along the Seine River,

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