Category: Pre-Colonial

Discover the origin of the name Rio de Janeiro

Discover the origin of the name Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro, bathed in golden beaches and embraced by imposing mountains, is a symphony of contrasts. On one side, there’s the vibrant hustle of urban life, full of colors, rhythms, and an infectious energy. On the other, the serenity of natural landscapes that frame the city, such as the

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What is Carnival like in Brazil?

What is Carnival like in Brazil?

Carnival is a popular and cultural festival that has ancient origins and is associated with various traditions around the world. Although it is difficult to determine the exact origin of Carnival, it is believed to have roots in pagan celebrations that took place in ancient Rome and Greece.

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Discover the official language of Brazil

Discover the official language of Brazil

Discover the official language of Brazil! In Brazil, the official and spoken language is Portuguese. The reason Portuguese is the predominant language in the country dates back to the period of colonization by the Portuguese in the 16th century. The linguistic history of Brazil is closely linked to the arrival

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